Makeshift Homes adds 5 (for now) new unusual player homes to discover around the Commonwealth - a water tower, a bookstore, a crypt, a diner, and a very special Red Rocket garage. All 5 homes are visible on the map, but you have to get to them yourself. Four have high-level locks and keys nearby for you to find, and one is just a novice lock. (See below for locations, or go searching yourself!) They don't have workshop workbenches - I wanted to make some nice pre-built player homes for people who don't like the settlement system. If there's demand for it, I'll consider making a version with workshop workbenches in the future. I still have plans to add more in the future to fill out the map more. Conflicts may arise if you have any other mods that edit the cells where these buildings lie - I always appreciate bug reports, so let me know if you find any issues. Oh, and as always, enjoy! KEY LOCATIONS: Diner: novice lock Water Tower: Next to a face-down skeleton a little ways away from the front of the entrance Crypt: In the ruined groundkeeper's shed in the cemetery on a wooden crate next to the bed Red Rocket Garage: On the dresser with the bobblehead and the fan to the back left of the garage Bookstore: In a box int he van to the left of the building as you're facing it