Unlock All Hairstyles at Game Start v1.2 by ayvis DESCRIPTION : This mod allows you to use the 14 male hairstyles (plus the 3 added in DLCs), 8 female hairstyles (plus the 5 DLC ones) and 5 bloodshot eye colors for each sex that are normally not yet available at game start while creating your character. This includes hairstyles and eye colors that become unlocked after completion of the main quest "Out of Time", and the "hidden" hairstyles that are normally unlocked by picking up "La Coiffe" magazines in the game world (an optional version without these is available). This mod was created with FO4Edit. INSTALLATION : - Install with NMM or your mod manager of choice, or manually by dropping "UnlockAllHairstyles.esp" in your Fallout 4\Data folder. UNINSTALLATION : - Deactivate the mod in your mod manager or delete the .esp if installed manually. CHANGELOG : v 1.2 : Added Far Harbor and Nuka world hairstyles. This version requires both DLCs, obviously. v 1.1 : Added Bloodshot eyes. v 1.0 : Initial release.