What is this?! This mod adds a lot of different weapon mods/re-textures for the Handmade Rifle that come from many real world variants of the Kalashnikov-style rifles. I made this mod because I'm an avid fallout player and I personally own an AK-74 and just really wanted some more variety when it came to what I consider the best weapon in the game. Keep in mind this mod is not meant to be a "Highly polished" mod and is just my take on what I think various Kalashnikov variants would look like in the Fallout universe. Requirements: -Nuka World DLC Credits: hitman47101 - Permissions to use his Right-handed animations as well as the making the killer animation for the foregrip barrels! Mod:https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/24053?tab=files futoshisan - Permissions to use his rifle grenade script from his Combatrifle Extend mod! Mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26551/?tab=files Loyal followers who gave me motivation to get V1.4 released! CHANGELOG: V1.4 (Oof this is gonna be big.....) - ADDED RIFLES AND VARIANTS TO SPAWN TABLES!!!!! (Should spawn in Nukaworld by default, maybe the Commonwealth with a mod?) - Made attachments compatible with Nukaworld Raider paint schemes - Made better bakelite grip for modded stocks (also added standalone grip w/o a stock)(changes color with paint schemes aswell) - Remade RPK Barrel handguards - Fixed black spot on RPK Barrel's cleaning rod - Tweaked RPK Stock and moved swivel to right side - Added Reinforced Machine Receiver with RPK-style sights - Added Slant-cut Reciever for Galil and Valmet variants (Semi&Full-Auto) - Added Galil sights (Normal and Night) - Added 5.56 Receiver for STG variants (Semi&Full-Auto) - Added Valmet Barrel "Finnish Barrel" - Added Valmet Stock "Metal Tube Stock" - Added Steel 100rnd Half-Moon Magazine just for fun! - Reworked AKS Triangle Folding stock (better detail now) - Added Krink sights (Normal and Night) - Added Romy-G Barrel with working foregrip animations - Added PSO-4 "Long Range Marksman Scope" (20x Zoom) - Added Micro Draco Barrel - Added Micro Draco sights (Normal and Night) - Added Vepr-12 muzzle-brake/stabby thing - Added 25rnd Vepr-12 drum magazine (Animations clip a little bit) - Added 10mm Receivers (Semi&Full-Auto) - Added 25rnd 10mm Magazine - Added 25rnd Dual 10mm Magazines (Faster Reloads) - Added Grenade Launcher Cup ((Melee/Bash to load grenade, can only have one handmade rifle in inventory for it to work) - Added 10rnd .308 "Hunting" Magazine (Based off M76) - Added 20rnd .308 Magazine (Based of M77) - Added .308 Receivers (Semi&Full-Auto) - Added M76/M77 Barrel "Long Sharpshooter Barrel" - Added M92 Pap style barrel - Added M92 Pap Peep sights (Normal and Night) - Added M70 "Grenadier" barrel with raisable Riflegrenade sights (Press T) - Added Yugo Rifle Grenade Launcher muzzle attachment (Melee/Bash to load grenade, can only have one handmade rifle in inventory for it to work) - Added M76 based stock - Added AMD-63 Barrel with foregrip animations - Added AMD-65 Barrel with foregrip animations - Added AMD Single wire stock - Added AMD-style muzzle brake - Added Rubber eyepiece to vanilla long range scope - Replaced Vanilla NV Scopes with custom models (Based of NSP-3,1pn93-4, and NSPU respectively) - Removed all caliber conversions from magazines and moved them to receivers (mostly due to sound change issues) - Removed original Krink receiver and replaced with "Flat-top" model to facilitate more modular sights. - Removed previously "upgraded" textures from AKM,AK-74,&RPK stock and reverted to vanilla textures for ease of compatibility - Modified Vanilla magazine files to "Set" ammo count rather than "Add" to prevent conflict with rifle grenade script - Added new sounds for .308 Receiver - Added sounds for 10mm Receiver - Added PKA inspired 2x dot-sight - Added VEPR sporting-styled barrel - Added PSL inspired 10rnd .308 magazine - Added M4-style ""birdcage"" muzzle - Added parts to default modcols in addition to creating spawn presets - Change ZAxis zoom on normal scopes to make it actually look like your eye is moving to the scope's lens rather than the iron sights V1.3 - Added VEPR-12 Long and Stub barrels with extended magwells - Added Semi-auto and Full-auto Shotgun receivers to use with VEPR-12 parts - Added 8-round Shotgun Magazine for use with the VEPR-12s - Added 30-round Russian Stamped Steel Magazine - Remade RPK Stock model and textures - Remade AK-74 Stock model and textures - Added new AKM-style stock - Added STG-940 Barrel and Grip/Stock - Added 5.56 caliber-converting magazine to go with the STG-940 - Added Romanian-style Wire-folding stock - Remade RPK-74 barrel with proper gasblock and new handguard V1.2 - Made new proprietary "Krink Barrel", Receiver, and glow sights that all work togther (not so well with other receivers or barrels) - Made optional Right-handed Krink Receiver for people who use the Right-handed Handmade Rifle mod. - Made new "Chopped Barrel" aka heavily modified first release Krink barrel V1.1 - Fixed "Krink Barrel" giving weapon negative range Recommended Mods: Right-handed Nukaworld AK Replacer (by hitman47101): https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/24053?tab=files -New Calibers (by BrowncoatGarrus): https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8588/