Magic Syringes v.1.1 A mod that adds a number of friendly solution syringers and some related items. Use chemistry and technology to create syringe ammo with new effects. Syringes : * Tesla Reanimator - Brings anybody back to life in a working and whole state. * Sleep Dart - puts anybody to sleep for a limited period of time (30 mins real time or 10 game hours) or until you leave the location/cell. Activating affected NPC allows to loot them. Hitting them with a usual weapon/unarmed wakes them up. Robots and synths are immune to this poison. * Love Hypnosis - Turns anyone into a commandable follower with an option to dismiss to your settlements. The number of followers is unlimited. The followers can be used in the same time with vanilla followers or companions from other mods.The "dismiss to settlement" option turns NPCs into friendly guests of your settlement. They will come and live in your settlement, they will sandbox in daytime and use unowned beds at night, they can be moved to other settlements from the workshop mode. But they can't be assigned to jobs and don't count for population. It can be useful when you want some settletrs for guard, decoration or roleplaying purpose. To remove such guests either kill them or make them followers again and dismiss with the same dialogue choice without selecting any settlement. To dismiss the followers you can use one of these options : - Dialogue choice (allows to select a settlement). - Taking away the "Empty syringe" item from their inventory. - Hitting them with the same syringe. * Forever Friends - Makes a naturally hostile NPC friendly to player. To remove the effect hit the NPC with the same syringe. * Bonesetter - Heals chronically crippled limbs (a bug that can happen with player or NPC) and restores heath. Can be used on player. Other items : * Sunglasses and goggles - highglight resurrectable corpses (NPC killed in game). Corpses can be seen from long distance , through water and even some solid objects. Sunglasses highlight bodies with aqua color and goggles with violet. Syringer weapon mods (can be used optionally): * Friendly hit grip - helps to avoid making friendly NPC hostile. * Friendly hit plus grip - helps to avoid making friendly NPC hostile and adds some additional activation choices while having the weapon equipped. The choices allow to: - Wake up sleeping NPCs - Remove dead bodies and skeletons inside settlement borders when aiming at them from a short distance. Notes : * Some hostile NPC do passive radiation damage when you stay too close to them. Sending such NPCs to settlements with brahmins or other animals can cause a settlement fight. * Syringes can be found in the Syringe Ammo section of your chemistry lab. Weapon mods are available at any weapon workbench. Glasses and goggles can be crafted in chemistry lab->Utility * Using syringes on important quest NPCs before completing their quests can cause some undesired consequence. Make a save before trying such things. * You can make followers mortal by changing settings in the "A1 Magic Syringes Mod" holotape. The holotape can be found in the Utility section of a chemistry lab. Compatibility. The mod doesn't edit any vanilla files and should be compatible with pretty much everything. Known issues. Possible minor bugs: * Some NPCs have scripted hostility and if you hit then enough hard while having them as followers, they will still become hostile and leave you. Such cases are expected and the mod has some mechanics to avoid unrequired consequenses. * Some NPC can die immediatelly after resurrection. They have a script that kills them on load and they are not supposed to be alive ever. You will get your ammo back, if you try to use it on such NPCs. I can imagine they have some horrible disease that makes them incurable. My other mods: Settlement Markers Portable Cloning Device Installation. Install with any mod manager or manually extract files to your Data folder. Deinstallation. Make sure to dismiss all followers and settlement guests made with the mod before uninstalling or disabling it.