Installation: Manual install of included file - Home Plate by RadStratRadar.json Find your blueprints folder, which should be located in this file path: ...\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\TransferSettlements\blueprints If you've already installed and used the Transfer Settlements mod, you should have at least one numbered folder in here. If so, create a new folder, name it the next number after what you have, and paste the .json file in there. If you don't have any folders in 'blueprints', create a new folder, name it "1" (no quotes), and paste the .json file in that folder. In game, scrap all clutter, including the cinderblocks and lights. I'd also scrap the industrial fan on the wall by the workshop, the power conduits and wires (but not the fuse box!), and the metal beams (the 4 bridge shaped ones near the blue door exit). The blueprint comes with a new stair set, but I'd recommend leaving the original stairs. You can scrap either post import; the new stairs might mess with companion navmeshing. I also moved both the workshop and fuse box, but they won't automatically move with the import. You can move them yourself with the Place Everywhere mod. When ready, open Transfer Settlements either through the holotape or in the Mod Configuration Menu, and the blueprint should be listed under imports. I've tested the import on a previous save with a fresh Home Plate. Everything imported correctly, but you will have to move the workshop and fuse box yourself, as well as reconnect some of the wiring by/to the fuse box. **NOTE: I do NOT recommend nuking Home Plate prior to import! It's not necessary, and when I tested it, all it did was remove the fuse box which you need for power. It will not remove the debris. To effectively scrap all debris, use the Scrap Everything mod (and keep it's .esp at the very bottom of your plug-in load order for the most stability). item_count" : 365, player_name" : "Rhiannon", plugin_version" : 1.49, plugins_required" : Transfer Settlements - Shareable Settlement Blueprints Place Everywhere Scrap Everything Rebuilt Home Plate "Fallout4.esm", "DLCWorkshop01.esm", "DLCworkshop02.esm", "DLCWorkshop03.esm", "ArmorKeywords.esm", weaponsmith and armorsmith workbenches "Homemaker.esm", institute floor, hamper, HVAC, light, rug, washer, dryer, fan, towel rack, exit sign, floor mat, potted plant, shelf, medkit, fireplace, steamer trunk, towel "Snappy_HouseK.esp", MetalSideA 1x1, HouseKit wall wallpaper full 23, snappy floor carpet 21 "WorkshopRearranged.esp", sunshine tidings sign, dark stacked stone wall, white federal brick wall, clean high tech ceiling lamp, informational sign, road wall sign, periodic table of elements poster, factory safety sign, food & drink poster, propaganda poster, clean rubber mat, safety poster, factory safety sign, advertisement poster "VanillaExtensions.esp", VE- decorative panel "LooksMirror.esp", mirror "Orphans.esp", child themed posters "Northland Diggers New.esp", wasteland garage "CREAtiveClutter.esp", *most of the furniture and clutter, too much to list "dinoshelf.esp", *a lot of the wall shelves and decorations "GruffyddsSignsAndPosters.esp", *signs and posters... pretty self explanatory "SettleObjExpandPack.esp", institute wall - multi story, institute wall - half, vault wall - overseer, glass wall - curve multi story, institute clock, fusion core candle, vault 114 blueprint, wall light, liberty prime, vault safety poster, restrict stripe, power armor t60, takahashi, fluorescent ceiling light, curve monitor "Thematic and Practical.esp", armchair, couch "WDP-PC.esp", coat rack, blue box of stuff, coffee table "CWSS Redux.esp", soap tray, bubbler station, TP holder (regular), toilet station, shower station "Evan_Modular Kitchen.esp", omelette, modular kitchen counter, bacon and eggs, dishwashing supplies, modular kitchen platform base, mirelobster, modular kitchen stove, small saucepan, modular kitchen refrigerator, modular kitchen upper cabinet, radroast, modular kitchen sink, raw meat on a plate "RedRocketReborn.esp", RR - nuka cola quantum "Eli_Crafting Shiz 9000.esp" diploma, coffee set, picture frame, shelf, THIS. IS. SPARTAAAAAAA!!!