Caravan Trading Posts cause Happiness Readme It always bothered me that those lazy, ungrateful settlers didn't appreciate the danger and expense Old Frosty undertook to convince the Bunker Hill caravans to visit a settlement. So with a bit of reeducation, they now have learned to enjoy the occasional visits of traveling merchants bringing them various goods and stories, as well as providing a way of sending word to the Minutemen that despite the walls, turrets, guardposts, attack dogs, weapons and armour that the Iceberg has given them, some idiot managed to get kidnapped, or that they are terrified of a few ferals camped out twenty miles away. [b]Game effect[/b] A simple tweak to the item to cause the standard Caravan Trading Post to generate a little happiness. [b]Installation[/b] Install with your favorite Mod Manager. or Manually extract the "CaravanTradingPostsCauseHappiness.esl" file into your ...Fallout 4\Data folder and activate it. (Typically C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data} (but I suspect that you already know how to do this) [b]Uninstalling[/b] (1)Either use the Uninstall function in your Mod Manager, Or manually delete the "CaravanTradingPostsCauseHappiness.esl" file from the /Data folder. (2)Donate 200 caps to the Bunker Hill Caravan Guard Ammo and Stimpacks Fund. They do dangerous work for lousy pay, and get treated as less valuable than the brahmins. [b]Conflicts[/b] May conflict with anything that modifies the Caravan Trading Post workshop item, including "Caravan produce income" and "Caravan Trading Post - Enhanced". Please advise if you find any other conflicts. [b]Tools used[/b] FO4Edit Notepad++ Irfanview [b]Permissions[/b] Any modder is free to copy and incorporate, just give me a nod in the credits. [b]Thanks to[/b] The incredible community of modders and players still enjoying and crafting this game. <*>