I've seen a few mods that add fire damage to the flamer, cryo damage to the cryolator, and even one mod that tried to fully integrate those damage types and their corresponding resistances into the game. I didn't think any of them went far enough, so I decided to go ahead and take a crack at the idea myself. Not only did I change those weapons, and a few others, but I also went and added resistances to pretty much every non-human NPC in the game. This mod isn't 100% done. You could argue no mod is ever truly done, but this mod in particular is pretty rough around the edges. It's stable, and works as intended, but I plan on doing more balance changes in the future based on feedback. Namely, some NPC resistance values might be pitched too high, or too low. I plan on doing one more pass on them all over the course of this week anyway, but I'd appreciate feedback so I can make changes alongside that pass. So, rough overview of this mod: Flame weapons do fire damage, freezing weapons do cryo damage. The Incendiary and Freezing legendary mods have been buffed to the same level as Irradiated, and I've added some new legendary armor effects that will add elemental protection, since the player is extremely limited in how much they can get themselves. NPCs aren't so restricted, however. Please view the mod page on Nexus for more information on this mod.