[Game] Fallout 4 [Mod Name] Wasteland 512 {Version] 1 [Author(s)] Darth Animal [Contact Me] http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/users/1519256/? [Date Released] November 14, 2015 [Download Site] [Categories] Textures [Description] Several textures resized to 512 pixels to increase performance. The resized textures are related with the landscape, interiors and installations, buildings and small houses. [Details on mod] Descompress the compressed package file into the DATA folder.The Textures folder is nneded to be added in the Fallout.ini file in order to load these resized textures. The Fallout.ini's line should appear like this: sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, TEXTURES\ Other folders can be assigned in the same command line depending on the mods that were installed. [Manuall Uninstallation] Three folders should be deleted. Folder names are: landscape, interiors and architecture. These folders should be located into *Fallout root folder*\DATA\TEXTURES