Bauble Bobble Wasteland Collectibles by Demon9ne About: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bauble Bobble is a lore-friendly, balance-aware Fallout 4 mod compilation that adds collections to the Commonwealth! After installation, you'll have 8 sets of bobbleheads to collect. (160 individual items!) 1.02 - Fixed the loot chance. (Now functioning as described below.) 1.01 - Added 1 new set of Bobbleheads, by AnTiWoMaAgNoT: - Vault Girl (SFW, V2) - Bobblehead loot chance now rolls for each set. (You can find more than one at once, albeit unlikely, but not more than one from the same set at once. 1.00 - Added 3 new sets of Bobbleheads, by justice123: - Blonde Bobble Girl - Brunette Bobble Girl - Redhead Bobble Girl - Added 3 new sets of Bobbleheads, by justice123, based on an outfit by DixiePig: - Blonde Slooty Bobble Girl - Brunette Slooty Bobble Girl - Redhead Slooty Bobble Girl - Original bobbleheads provide statistical bonuses; new bobbleheads do not. - Original bobbleheads have a base value of 300; new bobbleheads have a base value of 100. - Original bobbleheads are unique, placed loot; new bobbleheads are non-unique, and have a 2% chance to appear in certain containers. - Original bobbleheads are restored to Vault Boy default, but renamed for consistency. - All bobbleheads can be placed on Bobblehead stands. Planned - MOAR BOBBLEHEADS! - If you have made a lore-friendly set you'd like included, PM me! - If you would like to make a set to be considered for inclusion, don't feel obligated to follow the perk scheme, just make good looking items. Requirements: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Bobble Girl (1.1+) by justice123 -- - Vault Girl Bobbleheads (2.0+) by AnTiWoMaAgNoT -- Compatibility: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Future versions: Remove all bobbleheads from stands before updating this mod, just to be cautious. This mod is 99% compatible with Fallout 4 Loot Overhaul, except: - F4LO post-war safes cannot contain new bobbleheads, unless possessed by raiders. - F4LO pre-war safes can contain new bobbleheads, but retain the possibilty to contain pre-war money. My Fallout 4 Mods: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Collectibles: Bauble Bobble -- Crafting: Needles -- Crafting: Waterworks -- NPCs: DESTROY ALL: Cricket v2 -- NPCs: Emergent Design: CURIE v2 -- NPCs: Rough in the Diamond: Piper v2 -- NPCs: Soldier of Misfortune: Preston v2 -- NPCs: Uncaged: Cait v2 -- Settlements: Greenetech Sojourn -- Disclaimer: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am a brute-force mod author. I have no idea what I'm doing. Backup your saves. Use at your own risk. Credits: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ElminsterAU, Hlp, Zilav, and Sharlikran -- FO4Edit -- - justice123 -- Bobble Girl -- - DixiePig -- Slooty Vault Suit -- - AnTiWoMaAgNoT -- Vault Girl Bobbleheads -- - Nintendo