Requirements - Subnautica - QModManager - SMLHelper Installation 1) Download file. 2) Extract file. 3) Put the WindTurbinesMod folder into the QMods folder. Content Additions - Turbine blade: 3 titanium for 3. - Turbine generator: wiring kit and power cell and lubricant. - Turbine base: 5 titanium. - Wind Turbine: 3 blades, a generator, and a base to craft. Wind Turbine - Unlocked along with builder tool. - Generates power when above water AND when placed on a foundation or other base piece. - Generates more power at higher elevations. - Power production slightly influenced by time of day. - Turbine spins faster when power output is higher. - Takes damage over time. - Takes more damage with more wind. - Cannot be destroyed. However will not function below 5% health. - Must be repaired with the repair tool. - Makes a noise that can be heard up to 10 meters away. - Efficiency and charge can be seen when hovering over object.