Draegona's Retreat w/ Adventure & Billionaire Modes IMPORTANT NOTE: (README) Currently, these modded save states work in both the STABLE MODE and EXPERIMENTAL MODE of the vanilla version of Subnautica. If you would like to play in Experimental Mode, then follow these instructions... From your steam library, right click on the game's name and click on properties. At the top, click on Betas and change the drop down box to Experimental Mode and wait for the files to download. If you would like to switch back to your old save, simply go back to the Beta page and change the drop down box from Experimental Mode to Opt Out. This will redownload some files and afterward, your old saves will be safely playable. INSTALLATION: (README) Download your preferred save state game mode. Locate file location: ..\Steam\steamapps\common\Subnautica\SNAppData\SavedGames The easiest way to find your save game folder is by going to your Steam library, right click on Subnautica, click 'Properties', click 'Local Files' tab at the top of the properties page, click 'Browse local files...', click SNAppData, and finally click 'SavedGames'. This should bring you to your proper save game folder on either a MAC or PC. There may be any number of save slots already in your saved game folder depending on how many games of your own that you have saved. Make sure to back up your save files or choose to create a different save slot. I am not responsible for you breaking your own saved games. To create a new save slot, simply add a new folder in '..\SNAppData\SavedGames' called 'slot00##', where you replace the 2 # signs with numbers and don't include the parentheses. Must be all lowercase and contain no spaces. Just unzip the file into the new save slot folder that you have named, and you're all set. You can use just about any free codec software. I recommend 7-zip because it's free and easy to use. All files go inside of your new folder. Example: ..\SavedGames\slot0068 with 4 files contained within slot0068 Start up the game, load the save state, and enjoy! :) THESE SAVE STATE MODIFICATIONS AND BASE BUILDS ARE STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS. BILLIONAIRE MODE IS FULLY FUNCTIONAL. ADVENTURE MODE IS STILL IN DEVELOPMENT. ALL SAVE STATES ARE FULLY IMPLEMENTED INTO THE MOST RECENT STABLE BUILD OF SUBNAUTICA. UPDATED 7/10/17