Thanks for downloading Grim Quest, if you see this uploaded anywhere by any author besides "Asylum101", or "syl101" (on nexusmods), please let me know! Feel free to post any comments regarding the mod here: You can also find me on Discord on the Grim Dawn server if you want to ask any questions. (Make sure to ask in the Mods channel!) Follow these instructions for proper installation of Grim Quest! If you do something wrong, it will not work as intended! 1) Once the file is downloaded, you will need to open it and check the contents. You should see a folder named "Grim Quest", and within it should be two folders, "Database", and "Resources". 2) After verifying your folder setup appears correct, you can open up your Grim Dawn mods directory (steam default is something like c:/program files/steam/steamapps/common/grim dawn/mods/) and extract the mod here. Once the process is complete, you should see your mods folder contain the "Grim Quest" folder. Not the zipped/7z file, but an actual folder. If it's a zipped file, you'll need to extract the Grim Quest folder first into the mods directory. Here is a gif of the process using an outdated version of Grimarillion as an example: 3) Double check the contents of the Grim Quest folder, it should still have the database and resource folders and several other arcs arz files. 4) Once that is complete, you can now play the mod. Big thanks to Crate, Iron Lore Entertainment and Nordic Games for the content included in this mod. Thanks to Glockengerda for posting how to convert meshes/animations etc for use in Grim Dawn. Thanks to Elfe for letting me bounce ideas off him and for his work on a mesh conversion tool. Thanks to Elfe and Glockengerda for their work on the mesh conversion tool. Thanks to Kathanious for the many hours of testing he has done to help improve the mod to the point it is at now. ***Understand that I do not own any of the animations, textures, sounds, or models imported from Titan Quest Immortal Throne, and by installing this you agree to owning both Titan Quest and Immortal Throne.***