Barter With Raiders v1.3, 2011-08-15 by hikky71 [url][/url] NEW in v1.3: Important bugfix, please update! === Overview === Enables bartering with Raiders (this also requires an alternate start mod like FWE or a disguise mod like YADM). If you have ever used an alternate start mod or a disguise mod that lets you become friendly with the Raiders in Fallout 3, you no doubt discovered that they don't have a lot to say. This mod attempts to improve that a tiny bit and also make it possible to barter with them or get them to help fix your gear. Features: * A few extra responses (voiced using vanilla assets) * Bartering (by default karma will affect prices though it can be disabled) * Repair (except for Melee class of Raiders which are considered to be too stupid) * Nastier Raiders ;-) If you annoy them too much, they may decide to beat you up a little, or even shoot you! Keep your cool and some distance (or a piece ready) to keep things simple. Known issues: This mod may conflict with other mods that changes Raiders appearance or stats. It depends on at what level the changes are made. Compatibility patches are included for FOOK2, FWE, MMM and Project Beauty. === Requirements === By itself this mod isn't enough. You will also need another mod that lets you become friendly with the Raiders. There are MANY mods available on the Nexus that do this. Quite a few of them are "dangerous" to use though, as they cause permanent changes to your current character (uninstalling won't help). Some of them will even ruin your game, forcing you to either start a new character, or use difficult console hacks to fix broken faction relations. There are a few "safe" mods though. For role-players: * [url=]FWE - FO3 Wanderers Edition[/url] FWE has an "alternative start" option which lets you start a new game as a Raider (or another faction). It's perfect for role-players who wish to "live" the life of a Raider and generally be really badass. Another mod that complements this aspect is [url=]RAIDER VOICE STUDIO[/url] which modify the player voice. Disguise mods that works with your current character (and doesn't ruin your game): * [url=]Disguise[/url] by AnT01 This mod is old and only works with vanilla Raider armor (no DLCs supported). Still, it's safe to use, though it has a really high chance of failure (success is based on luck). Also, it doesn't allow sneaking or running which is pretty harsh... Not really a recommended mod (more like a FYI in case you encounter it). * [url=]Master of Disguise[/url] This mod was released only 2 days after I released my YADM mod (see below). It's an elegant mod technically, with a lot of configurable options, though it's a bit slow to respond to changes in disguises. It's also fairly difficult to sucessfully disguise yourself until you get the perk (or use the Disguises Always Work plugin). Personally I'm not too fond of how some of the inter-faction relations are set up, but that is a matter of taste... This mod is recommended if you want it to be possible for disguises to fail from time to time. * [url=]YADM - (yet another) DisguisesMod[/url] Another mod made by me, which allows you to disguise yourself as a Raider (or another faction) by wearing suitable armor. It also works with "All Races Playable" mods which lets you change race to one of the Raider variants. Then you will be recognised as a Raider by default, while still being able to disguise yourself (you may want to use that to your advantage in order to take out that a** h¤le Lucas Simms or the loud-mouth Three-Dog). === Compatibility === Barter With Raiders has to change several NPC records (in order to set the Auto-Calc Services flag). This will conflict with other mods that modify the same records. The records are organised in layers (levels), with each level using a lower level counterpart as a template for some of it's information. Barter With Raiders includes two different plugins that either changes NPC records at the lowest level (Default), or at a higher level (Compatible). Which one to use depends on what other mods you are using. By default, the NPC records at the lowest level are changed. It offers the best functionality, but will conflict with mods such as Mart's Mutant Mod and Project Beauty which changes the same records. Compatibility patches are available for FOOK2, MMM and Project Beauty which resolves this. A second variant is also included which modifies a different set of NPC records at a higher level. It may offer better compatibility at some expense; some Raiders won't sell anything, though you may sell to them (It's particularly noticable with MMM when using Increased Spawns). Compatibility patches are available for FOOK2 and MMM (PB doesn't need one with this variant). Try using these instead if you are using other mods which conflicts with the default variant. Barter With Raiders also modifies three Class records (in order to configure which services to offer for each class of Raiders). Another mod which changes the same records is FWE (to make Raiders stronger). A compatibility patch is included which resolves this (load it last, after both FWE and BWR). For other mods (or combinations of above mentioned mods) [url=]FO3Edit[/url] is your friend. It can help you figure out which mods are in conflict and what to do about it (and create your own patches). Sometimes it's just enough to change the load order. Garybash may be even better, though I have no personal experience with it yet. Unfortunately it isn't possible to make all mod combinations play nice without large amounts of work. === Upgrading === When upgrading, first uninstall the previous version. This is particularly important when updating from v1.0 as some plugins have changed names and the NPC record changes are now in separate plugins (there are currently 2 variants). === Installation === If you are using FOMM (Fallout Mod Manager), you can use it's Package Manager to create a FOMOD from the contents of the folder this README is located in. There is a installation script which will automatically determine which plugins you need. If you don't have FOMM, you can download it from [url=]here[/url]. To install manually, do the following: * Copy the 2 required files listed below to your Fallout 3\Data\ folder. * Choose one of the NPC record patches available. * Do the same for the the compatibility plugins listed below that you need. * Do the same for the the optional plugins listed below that you think you want. With either method, you need to adjust the load order and enable the installed plugins using either FOMM (or similar). --- Required --- * BarterWithRaiders.bsa Voice assets (packed into a BSA archive to simplify installation). Without this, the extra responses won't have any sound or lip sync. * BarterWithRaiders.esp Main plugin. --- NPC record patch (required) --- You will also need one BarterWithRaiders-NPC* plugin which sets the necessary flags on the NPC records. Which one to pick depends on which other mods you are using (and which compatibility patches are available). See the Compatibility section above for more info. IMPORTANT! Do not use both at the same time! * BarterWithRaiders-NPC Default.esp This variant modifies the lowest common NPC records (which provide the default appearance and stats), in order to set the needed Auto-Calc Services flag. These changes will likely conflict with other mods which modify the same records (like MMM and Project Beauty). * BarterWithRaiders-NPC Compatible.esp This variant modifies a different set of NPC records (mostly LvlRaider*) in order to set the needed Auto-Calc Services flag. Compatibility with other mods should be decent, though bartering won't work with all NPCs. --- Compatibility Patches --- IMPORTANT! Load the compatibility plugins last. Bartering with Raiders won't work otherwise. * BarterWithRaiders-FWE Class Patch.esp This patch can be used with both BarterWithRaiders-NPC Compatible and BarterWithRaiders-NPC Default. Load it last. FWE modifies a couple of Class records to make Raiders stronger. BWR uses the same records to determine which services an NPC should offer. This plugin combines both. DEFAULT: * BarterWithRaiders-NPC Default-FOOK2.esp Patch for FOOK2 v1.1 Beta 2. * BarterWithRaiders-NPC Default-MMM.esp Patches NPC Default for Mart's Mutant Mod RC6.1 (also works with RC5.0). * BarterWithRaiders-NPC Default-PB.esp Patches BarterWithRaiders-NPC Default for Project Beauty 2.72 (both HD and Standard). Also works with 2.68b (ESP) as there are no differences for the Raiders. * BarterWithRaiders-NPC Default-MMM+PB.esp Patches NPC Default for both Mart's Mutant Mod and Project Beauty. Use this instead of the separate MMM and PB plugins above. It combines the changes from both (+ a few fixes). Please note that you will also need the MMM patch which is included with PB. But load this BWR plugin after the last MMM and PB plugins. COMPATIBLE: * BarterWithRaiders-NPC Compatible-FOOK2.esp Patch for FOOK2 v1.1 Beta 2. * BarterWithRaiders-NPC Compatible-MMM.esp Patches NPC Compatible for Mart's Mutant Mod RC6.1 (also works with RC5.0). --- Optional --- * BarterWithRaiders-NoGimpedBartering.esp By default the bartering are a bit gimped so that Raiders doesn't always want to deal with you. This plugin turns this off so that the success rate will increase. * BarterWithRaiders-NoKarmaDiscount.esp By default Karma will affect prices, giving you either a discount or inflated prices. This plugin disables Karma from affecting prices. === Uninstalling === If you made a FOMOD during installation, you can use the Package Manager in FOMM to disable (and uninstall) this mod. To uninstall manually, simply delete all the BarterWithRaiders plugins in your Fallout 3\Data\ folder. === Changelog === v1.3, 2011-08-15 Fourth release Bugfix for a really nasty Fallout 3 bug. Declaring and using local variables in result scripts (used in Dialogs and AI Packages) overwrites local variables on scripted NPCs. When using MMM this caused some Raiders to spawn more Raiders after bartering. Fixed. v1.2, 2011-02-20 Third release Nastier Raiders. Added patch for MMM (Default). Added patches for FOOK2. v1.1, 2011-02-13 Second release Relocated NPC record changes into separate plugins. Added patch for MMM (Compatible). v1.0, 2011-02-12 First public release === License/Legal === Except for the voice assets included (due to technical limitations), which are copyrighted by Bethesda Softworks and may only be used in Fallout 3, you can do whatever you like with this mod. Feel free to modify it anyway you like. No credit or permission from me is necessary. EOF