Fallout 3 Derived Stats and Skills - Includes FWE by LtRhapthorne BETA Released: 12/09/2012 Last Update: 12/09/2012 fallout3.nexusmods.com ============================================================ - Requirements - None ============================================================ - Details - A simple little console mod designed to show you your derived statistics and skills, based upon your special stats. Works for both FWE and the Vanilla Game. Instructions: 1. Download the file, and unzip the exe to a location of your choice 2. Choose whether you are using FWE or not (y/n) 3. Enter your special stats 4*. Choose how you would like Health, Carry Weight and Action Points calculated 5. Your Dervied stats and skills will be displayed *Only if you choose y to the FWE question Known Issues: None ============================================================ - History - 12/09/2012 - Initial Release 13/09/2012 - FWE Critical CHance now works, set it so that if you enter a number greater than 10 for a special, it'll tell you to re-enter it. 16/10/2012 - V2. Overhaul, general clean up of code, extra features added. ============================================================ - Tools Used - ANB ReadMe Generator Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 ============================================================ - Permissions - Do not upload this mod onto any other site without my express permission ============================================================