Ok, where to start? In the texture files You will find a .psd for each .dds that will allow You correct the textures perfectly. That and alter them to Your own personal preference. I truly Love Gimp for its file handling but it's not my media of choice. You should have no problems with aspects using Gimp or Photoshop. Let's see, Some people might balk at the settings for the shotgun but I've literally cut a tree in half with a one hundred and ten year old shotgun. It might, however, give an unrealistic advantage to a low level character. I lowered the weight of the Dark Leather and Unique Leather Armor and gave Them bit higher damage resistance. There is a .esp with a more traditional icon in optional files for those that prefer it. There is also a correct .psd for the four individual globes, four masks for the female leather and three for the male. The resolution for the leather armor is 2048x2048. Have Fun :) !!! Any questions, comments, requests ? Post me on the Nexus and I'll see what I can do. I guess that pretty much covers it :) !!! P.S. If by any chance that the armor (it shouldn't because it is not a re-placer) causes a performance hit let me know and I will re-size the textures accordingly and make it an option :) !!! Note : There is a chance that if You put more than three globes in the same interior the fourth will disjoint itself. Pick it up and it will correct itself. There is another chance that the dead Unknown Traveler's eyes will blink. I've tested on two different computers and it does it on mine and not the other. But this is most likely caused by by one of the mods I'm running.