Headshots and Realistic Limb Damage Behaviour version 1.0 Description: ------------ This is a super simple mod I did for myself, but thought I may share it with others. As most of the rest of you, I really got tired of shooting things in the face 20 times in order to kill them. So, I decided to make this mod to allow a "headshot kill" (in most cases) when in battle. I realize there are several other mods out there that do this, but they are small, abandoned, or very limited in scope. Besides, I wanted to also add some extra bits that basically make things harder to kill, according to common sense, i.e., if you shoot the legs off a scorpion or ant, you're going to do very little to diminish its desire to fight. Furthermore, most "battle NPC's" (mutants, robots, etc.) are going to be a little bit harder to bring down now, since their purpose, after all, was to be durable in a fire fight. And have you ever seen how difficult it is to bring down a bear??? (HINT!) I'm hoping I did not ruin the balance at all in the game, since things like "crippling" are going to be tougher to do now. Changes: -------- For the most part, the multiplier for a head shot has been DRASTICALLY increased, but the VATS chance to hit has been DRASTICALLY decreased. So, you'll find it a little more difficult to VATS a head shot now. Other modifications to damage have pretty much been adjusted as follows, but these are general rules, though there are exceptions: arm damage -- 15%-20% leg damage -- 40%-45% torso damage -- 100% (for most, but adjusted for what I consider should be "tougher to kill") limb damage (for creatures) -- anywhere from 10%-40% Compatibilities: ---------------- I've tried to fit this in with FWE, since that is the mod that I use, so it shouldn't terribly break the settings that FWE uses for damage, but you could also use it INDEPENDENTLY of FWE if you like. It doesn't appear to affect VATS mods, or cripple mods since it only makes changes to BodyPartData in creature/NPC records. Why? ---- I thought this would be a good opportunity to learn GECK and benefit my gameplay at the same time. It is my first mod, that I just did in some free time today...so BE GENTLE! I would be happy to listen to recommendations and modifications for this mod in comments, and would defnitely consider implementing them! (just as soon as I learn how) I look forward to learning GECK and though I'll never make my own levels, I do really enjoy the various gameplay changes. Installation: ------------- Download and install with NMM. Place them close to the bottom of your load order (yeah, I know everyone says that!). But, I have them right before my last three mods, which are xCALIBRammo_FWE, Flora Overhaul, and DC Moods. There are four (4) ESP's for this mod: Headshot.esp -- for the vanilla game. HeadshotALLDLC.esp -- for those of you with ALL of the DLC's. HeadshotMMM.esp -- mods a couple of MMM's creatures. HeadshotPC.esp -- adds the same damage/headshot effects to your player character. You must have ALL DLC's to use the second one, and MMM for the third. Just click on the ESP's that you want to use. I merged all of the files into one, so I don't have four spots consumed with a very small mod, so feel free to do so. My Fo3 mod'ed installation tends to run at its most stable when I've got <120 mods activated in the load order. Changelog: --------- v1.0 -- initial release. v1.2 -- Adjusted VATS head shot % to be congruent with head/body proportion of creatures and people (still DIFFICULT!). -- Matched Dogmeat's damage multipliers to the ordinary wild/viscious dog body part data. -- Re-aligned some of the FWE/MMM records that I overlooked the first time (dog head explosions, Deathclaw debris, etc.). -- Modified limb explosion data, most limbs won't explode with as much force, and pieces won't "fly" as far away Works with NPC's, creatures, and robots (but should NOT affect the Bloody Mess perk, LMK if it does). -- Liberty Prime is much tougher to kill. Let's face it, he's a giant walking super tank! -- Adjusted damage multiplier on Robobrain tracks. Robobrains, IMHO, should be the WEAKEST robots. -- Further adjusted damage multipliers on robots, they should be a little more difficult to damage, IMHO. -- No adjustments made to HeadshotsPC.esp plugin, since I assume most are using damage/combat increasers in game. Plans: ------ -- Not sure how wearing a helmet affects head shots. Need to look into it. scripting, maybe? Use: ---- Not sure you'd want to use this in any mod, but if so, you have my permission so long as you throw an endorsement or some recognition my way...whether it be in a private message, a comment, or mentioned in your mod. Thanks: ------- Bethesda - for FO3, the DLC's, and the GECK. The Nexus - for giving me a place to hang out. Martigen - for Mart's Mutant Mod. FWE Team - for Fallout Wanderers Edition. Gopher - for his cool mods and modding Youtube videos, which made me want to mod. mefiu - for his "Locational Damage" and "set PC Headshot to 1" mod, which lit the fire under me. Geraltde - for his "Realist Headshots" mod, which also gave me some inspiration.