Tenpenny Tower Reborn 1.1 by Clgseed [Date Released] 05\03\2015 [Details] To get the peaceful ending, after the ghouls moved in; you should ask Roy Philips if he is happy now that he is inside the tower. He should give you a hint of what he plans to do and have some time to take action and prevent it. Human guards will spawn outside the tower when the quest is completed. Human guards along with the new tenants and their kids will be disabled when you let the feral ghouls in. After sometime when the new ghoul tenants take over, ghoul guards will also spawn to protect the tower. These ghoul guards will also spawn when you stop Roy and his plan; and when the ghoul tenants appear on the lobby. I had done some extensive testing and all works at it should be. But as I am human I might have missed a few things. [Features] * Tenpenny Tower Alternate Endings * Tenpenny Uniforms and Resident Clothes * Household Purifier * Tenpenny Suite Actually a Suite * Aquarium * Tenpenny Suite Trophies * Tenpenny Suite Deluxe * Added 2 Ghoul Lobby Guards, 5 Ghoul External Guards, and 4 Tenpenny Exterior Guards * Added 5 Tenpenny Children and 11 Tenpenny Residents * Added Custom Neoclassic Textures * Added Bach Music Replacer * Added 3 Vests, Holster, Kneepad and a Helmet * Various Script Tweaks * Tenpenny Suite as a Reward Warning: This mod should only be used by players who can use F03Edit and should know things about resolving conflicts. I strongly urge newbie users not to download this mod! I emphasize on the word "URGE" but if you still want to download I can't stop you. If you don't know things like archiveinvalidation then this mod will only make your game unstable. I'm sorry for being rude but, please newbie don't download this. [Installation] Extract the contents to your fallout data folder or use NMM or MO. Overwrite if you want to use Maxi2481 custom textures. [Uninstallation] Remove all the files from my mod to your fallout 3 directory. [Notes] F03Edit/GECK Before compiling the mods, I made sure: * Conflicts was sorted out. * Undeleted references not using the -30000 option in F03Edit. * Removed duplicates. * Removed identical to master. * Removed unreferenced entries. * Removed template placeholder and all unnecessary entries. * Removed dirty edits. * Removed offending navmeshes. * Checked for errors. F03Edit/GECK After compiling the mods, I made sure: * Conflicts was sorted out. * Removed duplicates. * Removed identical to master. * Recompiled scripts. * Fixed GECK warnings. * Checked for floating objects. * Removed unnecessary entries and changes not relating to Tenpenny. * Made my tweaks and fixes. All textures are checked and was processed on DDSOPT to shrink the sizes and hopefully be helpful for lower end machines. This mod is cleaned, thoroughly checked and should be conflict free and changes pertain only to Tenpenny Tower. Made sure no navmesh has been deleted on Tenppeny Player Home the only edit I made was to move some vertexes and added some triangles. [Known issues and bugs] Children uses adult idlemarkers. Children uses default tenpenny packages. Ghoul guards take some time to spawn. [Compatibilities] All mods except those that changes all things related to Tenpenny Tower be it quests, scripts, locations and NPC edits. [Incompatibilities] Minor conflicts with popular mods like MMM, FWE, and the likes. Suggestion please use Wyre Flash or F03Edit to make bashed or merged patches and fix the conflicting entries. Will be incompatible to my WIP mod Fallout3Reborn which will already contain Tenpenny Tower Reborn. [Tools Used] GECK WyreFlash F03Edit Notepad++ WinMerge WinRar Darksaber2328's Readme Generator Fallout 3 Paint.net Nifskope Photoshop [Permissions] Feel free to use and edit the ESM, make more fixes or tweaks. Just be sure to credit me. Do not use the Assets within this mod without permission from the original authors. [Credits] I would very much like to thank FMod for his idea for the alternate ending, Maxi2481 for the great retextures, the purified water by Anistar, Malthol and Rhagz for their magnificent work and inspiration I got from their tenpenny suite mod. And the wonderful warfighter modders resource Jtucker40 made. And Musopen for the bach music. Lastly the superb trophies by Smokindan.