[center][img]https://i.imgbox.com/wAbcJ5Vd.gif[/img][/center] This is every visual effect in the game, remastered with fresh new HD textures. Not scaled up original textures. Textures custom made by me, an experienced visual effects artist. That said... What will this affect? Fires like the burning barrels and ambient fires like in Nipton Acctors lit on fire as well as flame from weapons Ambient smoke of all kinds Weapon impacts by bullets or energy (debris, sparks, smoke, wisps, ect) Explosions (ALL OF THEM) Critical kills by energy guns (all) Ambient dust, wisps, fog, radiation, crumbles, ect Ash and Goo piles Muzzle-flaashes (100% every weapon's) Water drips, jets, spouts, splashes. All ambient water fx Props that use vfx (such as Force Fields, electric arcs) Damage stages like on vehicles Even the fish in the water and vultures in the sky Basically ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that uses vfx textures of any kind. (oh and any mod that introduces new explosions, impacts, ect will also inherently benefit from this. Bonus!) What would go well with this? How to make my whole game as awesome as these VFX? If you want virtually every aspect of your game to be crisp, HD, generally better-looking, here's what I'd suggest : WEAPONS (non-energy) - WRP? ENERGY WEAPONS - EVE? FLORA/PLANTS - Wasteland Flora Overhaul? UI - MTUI? CLOTHING - Wasteland clothing Hires? LANDSCAPE & LOD - Textures Over Time? CHEMS - PM's Med/Chems/Venoms HD? STATICS/WALLS/PROPS - OJO BUENO? CLUTTER - MG's Neat Clutter? CREATURES & ARMORS - Book of Water? IMPACT DECALS & BULLET CASINGS - IMPACT? ITEM ICONS - Misc Item Icons? LOADING SCREENS - Menu/LoadScreen replacer? GHOULS - Ghouls Hires? FERAL GHOUL/GLOWING ONE - Feral Ghouls Hires? HUMAN SKIN - Hires Body Textures? If you had all these mods then nearly everything in your game would be covered Permission : Not to be posted on other sites, not for inclusion in other mods. If you want your mod to use these textures, simply make your mod use vanilla textures and ask/link people to this mod. Future : Fallout the Frontier - www.falloutthefrontier.com? [img]http://www.falloutthefrontier.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/cropped-TheFrontierProject-LOGO-e1416411922724.png[/img] Inquiry : Does your game need great visuals made well? Jack Wong, freelance VFX Artist at your service. Contact me here (experienced in many game engines)