GalaxyNewsRadioFix by PimpBot420 Various Galaxy News Radio fixes. [S] Standard Edition: Includes all fixes. [N] News Edition: Only news fixes, no song intros/extros, no song memory list. Current list of fixes: -Allows Three Dog to speak of you after level 20. -Stopped news stories of quests after they are finished. (Oasis, Grayditch, Canterbury Commons, Tenpenny Tower) -Added story about Outcasts fighting the Brotherhood. -Increased chances of player-specific news playing. -Fixed problem with NewsLink play mode. -Placed safeguards to play songs and specific news stories when introduced. -Added missing player gender checks for some stories. (Head of State, Trouble on the Homefront, Paradigm of Humanity intro) -Expanded Nuka-Cola challenge news story from 1 line of dialogue to 4 lines. -Added extros to 12 original songs if played last. -Added intros to 12 original songs if played first. -Increased song memory list. Installation ------------ 1) Place GalaxyNewsRadioFix.ESP into folder ...\Fallout 3\Data 2) Start game using FalloutLauncher or FOMM* 3) Place checkmark next to your selected GalaxyNewsRadioFix.ESP *See Helpful Files section below. Uninstallation -------------- 1) Delete selected GalaxyNewsRadioFix.ESP from folder ...\Fallout 3\Data Version History --------------- 1.0 - Initial release. Incompatibilities ----------------- This file is incompatible with any mod that changes the entries for Galaxy News Radio's data list. This is compatible with GNR music replacers. Bug History ----------- None known. Helpful Files ------------- Fallout Mod Manager (FOMM): Legal ----- If you would like to use this mod in your own, please contact me first. I am always happy to allow use, but I do like to be notified of it. Contact information is found below, thank you for your understanding. Contact Me ---------- PimpBot420 on Fallout3Nexus