============================================================== Helmet Light v 0.1 By J3X ============================================================== ============================================================== FOSE: ============================================================== You must have the latest Fallout Script Extender, 'FOSE'. (It was compiled with v1.1 beta4.) Download it here -> http://fose.silverlock.org/ Read the fose_readme.txt file in the fose package, IT'S NOT LIKE INSTALL AN ORDINARY MOD! IF THIS MOD DOES NOT WORK FOR YOU IT'S MOST LIKELY BECAUSE YOU INSTALLED FOSE WRONG OR DON'T USE IT. ============================================================== DESCRIPTION: ============================================================== A quick tech-demo of a toggleable helmet light. Works with any Power Armor helmet (should work with modded ones too) that covers the face (slot 0). Press B to toggle on/off. This will not be updated nor patched whatsoever. If you like it please update it and include it in your mod. ============================================================== RELEASE LOG: ============================================================== 0.1: - Release ============================================================== BUGS: ============================================================== - The helmet light ray does not follow your head perfectly. - J3XLightQuest2's moveto player sometimes gives small visual artefacts. ============================================================== CREDITS: ============================================================== - Credits to me, J3X. - You can message me at fallout3nexus as J3X or at the official forums as Nib. - Or drop me a message at jex_ mus [at] hotmail [dot] com. ============================================================== LICENSE: ============================================================== Clone, copy, spread, mutate, merge, do whatever you want! ==============================================================