FALLOUT 3 - User Interface Shared v1.2 -------------------------------------- This is a edited version of the original thats just modified for a quick fix for those of us that are wanting a bit more to the mono toned default that came with the game. CHANGES ------- 1.1 - Ok I had a couple things bother me so I enhanced a few things and added a red marker to the compass. 1.2 - Extended some bars for a cleaner look and filled in blank areas. - Also reduced the crosshair size it will light up better when firing against hostiles. *NOTE*: To see the colors you need a WHITE hud interface. INSTALLATION ------------ 1. Unpack the "Data" folder from the archive into Fallout 3\ 2. Edit your ArchiveInvalidation.txt textures/interface/interfaceshared0.dds 3. Run game and set HUD color to WHITE. UNINSTALLATION -------------- Remove: \data\textures\interface\interfaceshared0.dds from FALLOUT 3\ Delete: textures/interface/interfaceshared0.dds from ArchiveInvalidation.txt VERSION HISTORY --------------- 1.0 - First Release 1.1 - Second Revision 1.2 - Latest Update