Infernal Sky 0.1 & DOF 0.1 By J3X Infernal Sky is a modded version of "Wasteland Moods Series" by TheOutbreak ( ------------------------------ DESC: Infernal Sky: Changes the default weather (using ForceWeather) to something more fitting for a post-apocalypse world. It should work when you start the game, otherwise use "StartQuest J3XInfernalSkyQuest" to enable it. It uses some textures from Wasteland Moods Series v 1.1. DOF: Enables a simple Image Space Modifier that adds Depths of Field to Fallout 3. Don't run with Infernal Sky as it's included in it. It works without that you install the textures. ------------------------------ BUGS: Infernal Sky: Sometimes will the weather go back to normal, if so type in "StartQuest J3XInfernalSkyQuest" to turn it on again. It might not work with other weather modifying mods. DOF: None known. - It should work with just about everything.