================ | Installation | ================ Simply copy the included files to your Fallout 3/Data folder and activate the .esm's anywhere in the load order. If you are using the optional DLC compatibility modules, be sure to activate them after the new .esm files. ================== | Uninstallation | ================== Remove the files from the load order, then delete them. It doesn't get much simpler than that. ========== | Readme | ========== [i]"After playing [/i]Fallout 3[i], I was looking forward to a real-life nuclear war. Who wouldn't want to live a carefree life roaming the wasteland, shooting anything that moves and stealing anything that doesn't? But then along came that jerk Kentington and turned post-nuclear life into... into some kind of nightmarish struggle for survival! It's not fair![/i]" -User testimonial [i]Survival of the Fittest[/i] is an attempt to add some degree of verisimilitude to [i]Fallout 3[/i]'s portrayal of post-nuclear life. Gone are the days when you could survive three missiles to the head or saw food items as merely a source of hit points; in this new wasteland, every combat will pose very real dangers, assuming your own biological needs don't kill you first. After all, the appeal of the genre lies in the struggle for survival amidst the ruins of the old world, where life was once taken for granted. After playing [i]Survival of the Fittest[/i], your character will never feel so complacent again. The mod is split into three components: Needs, Injuries, and Miscellaneous. Each can function independently of the others, but enabling all three is recommended for the optimal experience. Also included are four compatibility modules for Operation: Anchorage, The Pitt, Broken Steel, and Point Lookout. Please see below for the specific game changes made by each. ========= | Needs | ========= Your character now needs to eat, drink, and sleep to survive. Failure to fill these biological needs will result in steadily mounting penalties and eventual death. You can check your hunger, thirst, and sleep percentages at any time by using the convenient Pip-Boy Needs Monitor, located in your Aid tab. -When a need's percentage drops below 80, 50, or 30, you will receive a harmful "Perk" reflecting your condition. The exact effects of each Perk are as follows: -Hungry: Strength, Endurance -1 -Famished: Strength, Endurance -2; Agility, Charisma, Intelligence, Perception -1 -Starving: Endurance -4; Strength, Agility -3; Charisma, Perception -2; Intelligence -1 -Thirsty: Endurance -1; Damage Resistance -2; Fire Resistance -10; Poison Resistance -5 -Dehydrated: Strength, Endurance -2; Agility, Perception -1; Damage Reduction -5; Fire, Poison Resistance -20 -Dying of Thirst: Endurance -4; Strength -3; Agility, Perception -2; Charisma, Intelligence -1; Damage Resistance -13; Fire, Poison Resistance -35 -Tired: Intelligence, Perception -1; Action Points -5 -Exhausted: Intelligence, Perception -2; Endurance, Charisma, Agility -1; Action Points -10 -Delusional: Intelligence, Perception -4; Agility, Charisma -2; Endurance, Strength -1; Action Points -25 -Stimulants (Nuka-Cola, Ice Cold Nuka-Cola, Nuka-Cola Quantum, Jet, Ultrajet) temporarily increase Sleep Percentage. However, after consuming stimulants, your Sleep Percentage will decrease more rapidly until the chems leave your system. -Food no longer restores health directly; however, you continuously regenerate a small amount of health based on your current hunger and thirst conditions. The function of the Food Sanitizer (and its new counterpart, the Water Treatment Kit) is to reduce the radiation given by food and drink respectively. -Empty bottles can now be refilled at sinks and other sources of water. Drinking any beverage will produce the appropriate empty bottle. Three new types of water have been added to broaden the spectrum of water quality. -A new item, the Portable Bedroll, allows you to sleep anywhere, anytime - except in combat, of course. Drop it to create a bed, which can be picked up at your convenience. -Your character can now become a cannibal any time she is starving; simply select "Give in to the hunger" when activating a corpse. You will gain the Cannibal perk, which functions normally with respect to dialog and feeding. You may also now "Harvest" meat from corpses. Like food items, cannibalism no longer restores health, but will completely refill your hunger meter. -A new Perk, "Efficient Metabolism", has been added to replace Cannibal at level 12. It reduces the rates at which your character grows hungry and thirsty by one-fifth. -Speaking of perks, "Fast Metabolism" increases the rates at which you grow hungry and thirsty. -Radiation sickness causes dehydration. Your character will need to drink more water if she is suffering radiation poisoning. ============ | Injuries | ============ [i]Fallout 3[/i]'s damage system has been overhauled to better simulate realistic combat. In addition to suffering abstract "damage" and crippled limbs, your character can also suffer blood loss, burns, and blunt-force trauma, each of which has its own repercussions. All special injuries, including crippled limbs, can be treated through doctors, your home infirmary, or the convenient Pip-Boy Medical Assistant. -All weapons deal much more damage, to the point where a few properly-aimed shots can kill even an experienced warrior. With this realistic vulnerability, combatants' tactics take on greater importance. -Crippled limbs can no longer be cured with a simple Stimpak. If damaged limbs are not completely crippled, they will recover over time and will benefit slightly from stimpaks; otherwise, you will need to use your Pip-Boy Medical Assistant to apply a stimpak and a medical brace. Each brace will impose a -1 penalty to Agility until the limb is healed. -A crippled chest or torso can be healed with two stimpaks through the Pip-Boy Medical Assistant. -Certain weapons, primarily Small Guns and bladed melee weapons, can cause bleeding. While bleeding itself causes no special harm, once your character has lost enough blood, you will suffer significant penalties. Bleeding can be treated with your Pip-Boy Medical Assistant using a stimpak and a set of bandages. Bandages are new in this mod and have been added to vendor and loot tables. -Blood loss reduces Strength and Endurance; severe blood loss also reduces Agility, Perception, and Intelligence. These conditions last quite some time if untreated, but they can be healed with the Pip-Boy Medical Assistant using one or two blood packs and (reusable) surgical tubing. -Energy weapons and flamers can inflict severe burns, which reduce Agility, Endurance, Strength, and movement speed. They can be treated with a stimpak, bandages, and purified water. -Impacts, including most explosions, can cause blunt-force trauma. This injury reduces Agility, Endurance, Strength, and Action Points and can be treated with two stimpaks through the Pip-Boy Medical Assistant. -Stimpaks, though still miraculous healing chems, restore health over a period of fifteen seconds (ten for characters with Fast Metabolism). -Similarly, RadAway heals less radiation and does so over time. Now radiation sickness has become much more of a long-term problem... -Sleeping no longer restores health and limb conditions. However, if the Needs module is activated, you will of course still recover a small amount of health while sleeping. -Your home infirmary now requires supplies. Restoring health or crippled limbs requires one stimpak, while removing radiation requires one dose of RadAway and removes up to 200 rads per use. ================= | Miscellaneous | ================= Two more tweaks add to realism: -Cars, buses, and the like no longer explode. As a physicist-in-training with two nuclear engineering classes under his belt, I can safely say that no conceivable nuclear reactor will produce a mushroom cloud when shot. The two buses outside of GNR will still explode, however, so the Behemoth scene will proceed as normal. -As any military-grade exoskeleton should, Power Armor now carries its own weight. When you equip any such suit, your carrying capacity will be increased commeasurate with the armor's weight. ====================================== | Operation: Anchorage compatibility | ====================================== This module "turns off" both needs and special injuries while in the simulation. ========================== | The Pitt Compatibility | ========================== This small module makes the slop served to slaves in the Pitt fill your needs. After all, even the Pitt Raiders know a live slave is worth more than a dead one... ============================= | Broken Steel Compatibility| ============================= All new water variants now serve needs. =============================== | Point Lookout Compatibility | =============================== -Removed the ridiculous one-month travel time for a voyage on the Duchess Gambit -Punga Fruit now serves needs -Added long-term treatment of... a certain severe head injury, which now has in-game consequences. This module and its stat changes still apply even if it is installed after the player has recieved said injury. Up to three different treatment options are available based on the player's post-injury Science and Medicine skills, all of which will need to be repeated over several days or weeks before the injury is healed. ================= | Compatibility | ================= -Obviously, the Needs module will be incompatible with any other hunger/thirst/sleep mod. In addition, any mod which affects food and drink will prevent such items from nourishing your character, and you will starve to death slowly and painfully. -The Injuries module will not work properly with other mods which affect stimpaks, RadAway, and/or crippling injuries. Also, in order to implement special damage types, I had to attach a script to the player, which will lead to compatibility issues with any other mod to do so. ================ | Known Issues | ================ -Occasionally, when you have placed multiple bedrolls in the same worldspace, you will not be able to activate the most recent. -Any foodstuffs added by another mod will not satisfy your needs. If there is enough demand, I may make compatiblity plugins for popular mods which add food (MMM, etc.) -Currently, I have no model for the new Bandages item and no .dds images for the new items and perks. If any artists would be willing to help... ========= | Legal | ========= You may not redistribute [i]Survival of the Fittest[/i] online, modified or unmodified, without the author's permission. On the off chance that this mod destroys your computer, causes a nuclear war, or awakens the Old Ones, I cannot be held responsible. ================== | The Final Word | ================== This mod has been extensively tested, but like the first release of any software, there are bound to be bugs to fix and tweaks to make. Any feedback or suggestions would be greatly appreciated: the more specific, the better. Thank you for trying out my first mod!