>>>>>Backup your current files first, this is a beta and has not undergone extensive testing. Thus, even the backup files may not be unedited. To avoid the possibility of having to revalidate your cache, backup your current files in the following directories to a safe place. >>>To install the mod, copy and paste the nativepc in the "Modded Files" folder to your Dragon's Dogma directory.<<< >>>To uninstall the mod, copy and past the nativepc in the "Backup Files" folder to your Dragon's Dogma directory.<<< >>>>>YOU CANNOT OMIT FILES. If you copy the bbs_rpg.arc, but do not copy all of the .sngw files, YOUR GAME WILL CRASH upon attempting to play the given track. This is because the bbs_rpg.arc must be edited so that it will search for a file with the exact parameters provided by the song. If the song does not match the sought parameters, or if the parameters do not match the read song, the game will crash. Attempt at your own risk.