[h1]Description:[/h1] This mod focus on giving you clean cinematic ingame. Mod takes the messages and delay them to after the cinematic is done. This is the first version of the mod and it could be bugs. Please report them in the discussion below. Workshop link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=625737801 Nexus link: http://nexusmods.com/xcom2/mods/252? [h1]Updates and changes: [/h1] 21.02.2016 - 0.1v (Release) - Delays all messages to after the cinematic is done ingame. [h1]TODO:[/h1] - Fix bugs that people report, and improvement people tell me to do. [h1]Compatibility[/h1] This mod is compatible with existing saves. Loading a saved game in-mission from before the installation will work. Like all mods currently, uninstalling this mod will cause the game to refuse to load saved games that were created while this mod was installed. This can be worked around by the "Ignore Missing DLC" mod.