Faction ID Cards version 2.0 This mod removes faction affiliations from all armor and clothing, allowing you to wear whatever apparel you want regardless of location. Instead, you have access to a set of ID cards that act as faction disguises. This way, if you like a piece of faction armor, like NCR Ranger armor or Brotherhood power armor, you can wear it wherever you go. If you need to disguise yourself as a member of a faction, you can just wear that faction's ID. The ID cards are equipped to BodyAddon2, so they should function with any apparel item. ID cards do not show on your character, and have 0 weight. All ID Cards can be purchased from Mick & Ralph's, with a value of 700 caps. They have also been placed in a few places in the wasteland. See Faction ID Spoilers.txt if you want to know exactly where to look. ID Cards exist for the following factions: Brotherhood of Steel Caesar's Legion Great Khans NCR Powder Gangers White Glove Society Changelog: Updated to version 2.0 Major Revision - Rewrote all code for greatly improved compatibility Updated to version 1.2 Bug Fix - NCR bandoleer armor can be equipped again Updated to version 1.1 Bug Fix - Removed faction script from White Glove Society items Feature - Made ID cards purchasable Feature - Alternate free version with cards located in hollow rock