Name: Cowboy plus That Gun and Machete Author: ZerroDefex Date Created: 11-19-2010 This simple mod adds That Gun and the Machete (included the Liberator variant) to the list of weapons which benfit from the Cowboy perk. I was rather annoyed to find that the perk includes all revolvers except for That Gun, excluding it when the more powerful .44 Magnum and Hunting Revolver are allowed, as well as excluding Machetes. Simply drop the Cowboy_Plus_ThatGun_and_Machete.esp file into your ..\Fallout New Vegas\Data\ directory and add it to the Data Files when you launch the game. To uninstall disable the .esp file and delete it. This mod has not been tested with any other mods that affect the Cowboy perk. I'd recommending placing this one in the load order before other such mods.