General infos So..another Followermod. Was made via request so there you go. This mod adds a personal Pack Brahmin that will follow you trough the wasteland and carry your stuff. - It will wait in Goodspring with the Bighorners until you pick it up. - It then adds a porter in case it gets lost. - It can follow you in interiors but Id suggest you tell it to wait outside otherwise it will just get in your way (it's a Brahmin..not a warrior). - It will likely flee during combat but not always. - It wont attack enemies. - It can't die - It can carry 400 weight Don't forget to endorse it if you like. If you don't like it or have a problem, let us help you before you vote down. If you still don't like it afterwards feel free to vote negative This mod requires an IQ of at least 100 to install it. So if you are too st... to install it, don't blame it on us...@Golo16 ----- Installation Drop the esp in your Data folder Activate it via FOMM or the Data Files in the Launcher A Message pops up telling you where to find it ----- Uninstall Deactivate the mod Delete it Start the game and save ----- Contact Via Nexusforum you can either hit Vio or me on. Also commentsection is good for telling us problems. Regards, Ely ----- Credits - Bethesda and Obsidian for the Game and the GECK - The Nexus Team for the site