-Underground Hideout New Vegas -------Description------- This Mod adds a Player Vault on the the Wasteland near Spring Mt. Ranch State Park. The vault includes all the ammonites including a Armory, ammo Sorters, Weapons wall, water purifier, book shelf, grow area, and is Companion Friendly -------Location------- The entrance is located West of Spring Mt. Ranch State Park next to a boulder and pond. Check your map for the exact location. -------Installation------- Unzip the folder and copy the "UHNV.esp" and the "UHNV.bsa" files to the fallout new vegas data folder -------Uninstall------- Uncheck and Delete the Plug in File named "UHNV.esp" from the Data folder. Delete the BSA file name "UHNV.bsa". -------Requirements------ Fallout New vegas -------Updates------- V1.0 Initial release ------Resources Used------ Malo- Animated Aquarium-http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6263 Meos Vault-Tec - Resource- http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13078 TAJocelyn- Beds- http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14777