################################### #### Brahmin Variant ################################### Filename: brahmin-variant.esp ## Version 1.1 ## Changelog 11.12.2010: - Exchanged the 3d model of the pack-brahmin, to fix animation issue. ## Description The Fallout 3 cancer-brahmin felt silly for me- It just doesn't make sense for me that (as example) the Crimson Caravan are traversing through the desert with the ill-looking brahmin we got from Fallout 3. Eating these cancer-objects must be a pain as well. Anyway... This mod adds a "healthy" brahmin-type to the game, which does not replace the ill-looking brahmin. The more healthy looking ones just appear in places where it would make sence (i. e. the Crimson Caravan camp or other places like that). Additionall, this mod changes the brahmin calf critters in the game. Instead of just beeing a smaller scalled model, it now looks at least a little bit unique (no horns on both heads, smaller udder and so on). Greetings, Lexx www.falloutnow.de