Improved Casinos v1.01 for Fallout New Vegas Author: Mr. Excitement! Contact info: mrexcitementmods (at) hotmail (dot) com Description \ Features ====================== I found the casinos in Fallout New Vegas don't pay out enough money to make the gambling worthwhile (roughly pays out only 42,000 caps if you max out EVERY casino). I have tried the other casino pay-out mods, but their pay outs are ridiculously high and make the game way too easy, way too soon. So I created my own casino mod(s) to increase the casino limits, but to more reasonable amounts. I have included three mods that increase the casino maximum pay-outs gradually, so you can pick the level that suits you. To reflect the higher new casino limits, I have also: -Raised the maximum table bet limits -Added 5,000 and 10,000 cashing amounts to the cashiers where needed ------------------------------------------- Mod 1) Improved Casinos 2X.esp Casino Limit Max Bet Ultra-Lux: 30,000 1,500 The Tops: 20,000 1,000 Gomorrah: 18,000 1,000 Atomic Wrangler:10,000 500 Vicky & Vance's: 5,000 250 Total Winnings: 83,000 caps (Approximately) ------------------------------------------- Mod 2) Improved Casinos 3X.esp Casino Limit Max Bet Ultra-Lux: 50,000 2,000 The Tops: 30,000 1,500 Gomorrah: 25,000 1,000 Atomic Wrangler:15,000 500 Vicky & Vance's: 7,500 250 Total Winnings: 127,500 caps (Approximately) -------------------------------------------- Mod 3) Improved Casinos 4X.esp Casino Limit Max Bet Ultra-Lux: 60,000 2,500 The Tops: 40,000 2,000 Gomorrah: 30,000 1,500 Atomic Wrangler:20,000 1,000 Vicky & Vance's:10,000 500 Total Winnings: 160,000 caps (Approximately) -------------------------------------------- I prefer the 3X version in my own games. The winnings don't make for a "Monty Haul" game and there is still a need to earn or trade for caps. Files Included ============== Improved Casinos 2X.esp Improved Casinos 3X.esp Improved Casinos 4X.esp Improved Casinos Read Me.txt Installing =============== COPY ONLY _ONE_ OF THE INCLUDED ESP FILES (Improved Casinos 2X.esp, Improved Casinos 3X.esp or Improved Casinos 4X.esp). Using more than one file may cause problems in game. 1) Extract the desired ESP file and the Read Me File from the zip into your \Fallout New Vegas\Data directory. 2) Start the Launcher, click 'Data Files', Check the selected Improved Casinos ESP file. 3) Enjoy! Uninstalling =============== Delete the following files from your \Fallout New Vegas\Data directory: Improved Casinos 2X.esp or Improved Casinos 3X.esp or Improved Casinos 4X.esp Improved Casinos Read Me.txt Change Log ========== 1.0 -Release version. 1.01 -Fixed an error with some cashier pay-outs Legal Stuff =========== This mod is released "as is". I take no responsibility if it causes an issues with your game or computer system. If your computer gains sentience and tries to take over the world, blame someone else. Google has lots of money-try them. You are free to use this mod in any of your mods. Just give the mod name and me a mention in your read me file. Contact me at: mrexcitementmods (at) hotmail (dot) com