update 3.2.1 1. When dropping out of Screenshot mode, the HUD is no longer automatically toggled on. update 3.2 1. MCM now required. Old menu system removed. 2. Pressing the 'i' key for more than 2.5 seconds activates 'Screenshot Mode'. Press 'i' to go back to 'Game Mode'. update 3.1 1. iHUD is unhides the HUD when in the MCM menu so that mods that manipulate the positions from the menu may do so with the element visible. update 3.0 1. Added support for The Configuration Menu (MCM) mod. It is optional but hightly recommended. 2. Added a 'Screenshot Mode', which turns off all HUD elements and keeps them off until deactivated. This option requires the MCM menu. update 2.2 updated for Project Nevada 2.0 update 2.1 updated for Primary Needs v4 update 2.0.2 Updated for Grenade Hotkey v 1.3 update 2.0.1 Fixed hardcore warnings to only appear when hitpoints visible. update 2.0 1. Compatible with aHUD. Splits up elements such as compass and hitpoints and lets you hide them seperately. 2. The main elements now have their own Fade timings. You can set different fade times for each element, and even set elements to never fade (unless toggled). 3. Ammo and Weapon condition can be set to appear when ammo is changed. 4. Action points can now be set to appear when action points are being used. 5. Support added for Arwens Tweaks : Strain Meter 6. Updated support for Radar HUD version 1.3. update 1.9 1. Target info now fades as other HUD elements, and may be toggled on and off. ie. if you look at an object/npc you will see the name for a few seconds and then it will fade. 2. Improved the iHUD control over the Sneak Meter. No more flickering on when aiming. update 1.8 1. Sneak Meter now hides when the the HUD is hidden (optional). 2. Warnings for hunger, thirst etc. are now hidden with hitpoints. 3. Fixed small bug where the menu would appear on a short press. Update v 1.7 Added Radar HUD support. update 1.5.4 Bugfix: Fixed small menu bug. update 1.5.3 Bugfix: Project Nevada HUD elements now correctly disappear after the activation even is over. update 1.5.2 Made an 'all-in-one' installer that has iHUD and the compatability patches for other mods. It detects which mods you have installed and adds the correct patches. update 1.5.1 1. Fixed a small glitch in Darns UI version that had AMMO type appearing in scoped view. 2. Fixed a small visual glitch that had condition arrows visible in scoped view. update v1.5 1. Added a lot more options. 2. Added menu options for some compatible mods 3. Fixed some small bugs.