Suits Fix v1.0 =============== 1. Purpose: ============ The Grimy Pre-War businesswear outfit has the correct world texture, but the wrong outfit texture. It uses the same texture as the Dirty Pre-War Businesswear outfit. This is a small fix to make the Grimy Pre-War businesswear outfit have the right texture - the way it was supposed to be. I also fixed the Grimy texture's left shoulder that had a slight white coloration. 2. How to use: ============== Simply put the .esp and .bsa files in the data folder and load from the launcher. 3. Note: ========= The mesh used for any business suit in the game has a flaw. This is a problem that was copied over from fallout 3. It's the first thing I checked the first time I played New Vegas, but Obsidian overlooked it and the bug remains. The left shoulder has a hole in it, which is clearly visible when you aim a weapon down the sights. I've attached a picture of this to the archive. If anyone who reads this got the know-how to fix it, please do, so I can include the fixed mesh in with this mod, making it a perfect fix mod. © 2011 mic773