Frequently Asked Questions ========================== ******* Q: How do I install this mod? A: Just like any other mod right here. ******* Q: What's the tactical mode? A: When you equip the Tactical Mode item, you'll be able to use new features like knocking at doors to make some noise, for example. ******* Q: How do I configure the keymapping? A: You better use the Mod Configuration Menu, downloadable here: [] ******* Q: How do I get slave collars or narcotics? A: You can craft those items at a workbench (collars) or at campfire (narcotics). You should be able to find those items at some vendors or some enemies too. ******* Q: How do I enslave someone? A: You have to get someone to surrender, for example you can sneak behind an enemy and aim at him. Then, talk to him and put a slave collar. Here's your first slave! ******* Q: Why would I need a slave? A: They can help you just like basics followers and repair your stuff. They can cut your hair too. ******* Q: Isn't it some kind of a cheat mod? A: Having a slave has consequences: the NCR will probably hate you, and slaves have needs: sleeping, drinking... Having 10 slaves can be expensive. ******* Q: What happens if I don't care about their needs? A: They can decide to attack you, of course! Again, having 10 slaves can be dangerous as hell. What would happen if they suddenly decide to kill you while your health is pretty low? ******* Q: Can I sell my slaves? A: Not in this version (8.3) but maybe later this feature will be added. However, you can send your slaves to the NCR or the Legion for them to be some new recruits. You'll gain good reputation depending of where you send them. ******* Q: Can I have sex with my slaves? A: Again, not in this version. Maybe I'll add this option later, but it will not be animated: only a good ol' fade to black screen. I'm not a fan of porn mod. ******* Q: Ghouls textures are messed up! A: I know, this issue seems to be a vanilla bug with playable ghouls races. ******* Q: I have to esp files. A: Then you probably installed it wrong. Download the main file, then the update, and overxrite everything. ******* Q: New items don't show up in vendors. A. Try to wait at least one day, maybe it will be in their inventory. ******* Q: What's the purpose of the "Whistle" key? A: You can whistle to make a diversion or to make enemies go toward you. ******* Q: Mod Configuration Menu does not work. A: You installed it wrong. ******* Q: Why is the vanilla ghoul race not playable? A: There are plenty of mods that do it. My mod will not conflict with anything. ******* Q: Could you add... A: Yeah, maybe. If it's lore friendly and not too difficult to do. *******