Nights are Darker for Fallout: New Vegas Requires: Fallout: New Vegas File version: 4.9 Readme version: March 11, 2012 Creator: Leyic Download (Original): Download (Sarge198's Version): ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Makes nights in the Mojave wasteland darker. There is still enough light to make out your immediate surroundings, but little beyond that. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Install/Uninstall Instructions: To install, place Nights are Darker plugins into ...\fallout new vegas\data. To uninstall, delete Nights are Darker plugins ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Incompatibilities: Mods that modify the NVWastelandClear weather type, including: -URWL for New Vegas -Nevada Skies -Fellout ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact: 'Killergrimm' at New Vegas Nexus (preferred) 'Sarge198' at New Vegas Nexus (preferred). 'Leyic' at New Vegas Nexus (preferred). 'Leyic' at the Bethesda forums. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Programs Used: GECK (Bethesda and Obsidian) FNVEdit (ElminsterAU) Paint.NET 7-Zip The Online Readme Generator (LHammonds) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Legal: By using this mod, you agree to not hold me liable for any damage that occurs to your property or person in the course of using this mod, including but not limited to keyboard smashing induced by frustration caused by wandering into a pack of geckos you didn't see. You are free to do whatever you wish with this mod, including redistributing, modifying, and incorporating into other mods, provided you give credit where credit is due.