In the Prosectors Saloon in Good Springs is a terminal. activate it and click on give me Glasses of sight to get the glasses that makes items glow and the remote configuration device. next select the item types you want to glow. turn it on in the item menu and select the color in the color menu. now all items of those types will glow the selected color. To use the remote configuration device. equip it and close the pipboy. a terminal will appear.You will get the remote configuration device when you get the glasses. Items. Armor, Weapons, Ammo, Books, Containers, Clothing, Bobby pins, Caps, Ingestibles, Miscellaneous, Ingredients, pickable plants, Star caps, Mines, Traps, Pre-war money, Nuka-Cola, Sunset Sarsaparilla, Water, Cigarettes, Faction currency, Weapon mods, Stimpaks, Skill books, Skill magazines, and dead bodies. Colors. Red, green, blue, yellow, white, purple, and Orange. Bugs: Some creatures get a shader applied to them when they have no items.