=========== [ Improved Heavy Weapons Textures - IHWT] =========== Hi there! Yeh, I know, the archive is big, but there is no way keep 2k textures in small value. This is re-texture of vanilla Heavy Weapons. Features: - 2k/1k Textures for 1stPerson/World View - Remastered Normals and Alpha/Glow, New Diffuse and Specular Maps - Ultimate Details Level - Compatible with Any Non-Texture Mods (should be) Weapons: - Minigun\CZ57 Avenger - Missile Launcher\Annabelle - 25mm Grenade APW (Gun Runners' Arsenal DLC) - Grenade Machinegun\Mercy - Flamer\Cleansing Flame (Gun Runners' Arsenal DLC) - Gatling laser\Sprtel-Wood 9700 (Gun Runners' Arsenal DLC) - Grenade Launcher - K9000 Cyberdog Gun\FIDO (Old World Blues DLC) - Shoulder mounted machine gun (Lonesome Road DLC) - Arc welder (Lonesome Road) - Tesla Cannon\Tesla-Beaton Prototype (Old World Blues DLC) - Plasma Caster\The Smitty Special (Gun Runners' Arsenal DLC) - Red Glare (Lonesome Road DLC) ============================================================ [+] Added [-] Removed [*] Fixed [/] Altered Version 1.5 (Final) [+] Tesla Cannon\Tesla-Beaton Prototype (Old World Blues DLC) [+] Red Glare (Lonesome Road DLC) [+] Plasma Caster\The Smitty Special (Gun Runners' Arsenal DLC) Version 1.4 [+] K9000 cyberdog gun\FIDO (Old World Blues DCL) [+] Shoulder mounted machine gun (Lonesome Road DCL) [+] Arc welder (Lonesome Road DCL) Version 1.3 [+] Gatling Laser\Sprtel-Wood 9700 (Gun Runners' Arsenal DLC) [+] Grenade Launcher Version 1.2 [+] Flamer/Cleansing Flame (Gun Runners' Arsenal DLC) [/] Batch script updated Version 1.1.1 [*] Enhanced Specular Maps Version 1.1 [+] Grenade Machinegun/Mercy [/] Batch script updated Version 1.0 [+] Minigun/CZ57 Avenger [+] Missile Launcher/Annabelle [+] 25mm grenade APW (Gun Runners' Arsenal DLC) [+] Batch script