located at old lady gibsons, search for it in the junkyard. uprades include purified sink and monster lift kit (as well as a lowering kit for free just in case, you can always upgrade again). Its a bit pricey but comes with travelable map marker, radiated sink, roughly 23 storage containers ( including respawning trash can to dump your crap), lab, infirmary, barber mirror, bottled water purifier, cooking stove, folding cot, diner booth with seats, and plenty of room for improvement :p ....also drivable of course....so all in all i feel its a bargain lol. Equip activater to cause reaction (camp places static home version like a tent, exiting removes it, and summon...well...summons it). all in all it's ran well for me. Thanks as always to ermeso and his cars mod, as well as the original winnebago author and the rusty textures author. enjoy :) Requires: nvse xre cars! Winnebago mod by david marshall (required to be installed but not loaded) (nexus is down as i write this, all will be added to the required files section when i upload) Suggested: my alt textures, rusty winnebego retexture, or a combination of both) my goliath petrol replacer