scn 1EJohnnyCasketscript short HasBeenHired short WeaponOut short CombatStyleRanged short CombatStyleMelee short IsFollowingDefault short IsFollowingShort short IsFollowingLong short FollowerSwitchAggressive ; 0 = Passive (wait for player), 1 = Aggressive (attack when see enemy) short Waiting short DoOnce short bLoadedOnce; Begin OnLoad ; set up base stats if (bLoadedOnce == 0) ; SetActorValue guns 35; JES 11/2/10 - Artificial buffs found and removed! Mazel tov! ; SetActorValue energyweapons 20; ; SetActorValue meleeweapons 70; ; SetActorValue unarmed 40; ; SetActorValue medicine 50; ; SetActorValue sneak 100; set bLoadedOnce to 1; endif ;Script to make sure we set the right combat style on loading. If (CombatStyleMelee == 1) 1EJohnnyCasketREF.SetCombatStyle FollowersCombatStyleMelee; Else 1EJohnnyCasketREF.SetCombatStyle FollowersCombatStyleRanged; EndIf End BEGIN GameMode if ( DoOnce == 0 ) if ( GetDistance Player <= 1400 ) set DoOnce to 1 evp endif endif END BEGIN OnCombatEND if ( GetPlayerTeammate == 1 ) resethealth restoreav perceptioncondition 100 restoreav endurancecondition 100 restoreav leftattackcondition 100 restoreav leftmobilitycondition 100 restoreav rightattackcondition 100 restoreav rightmobilitycondition 100 endif END BEGIN OnDeath if (GetQuestCompleted VMS53 == 0) SetStage VMS53 255; endif if (GetQuestCompleted VMS39 == 0) SetStage VMS39 80; endif if ( VNPCFollowers.bJohhnyHired == 1 ) set VNPCFollowers.nCurrentFollowers to VNPCFollowers.nCurrentFollowers - 1; if (VNPCFollowers.nCurrentFollowers == 0) set VNPCFollowers.bPlayerHasFollower to 0 endif set VNPCFollowers.bJohnnyHired to 0 set VNPCFollowers.bHumanoidInParty to 0; Player.RemoveFromFaction VJohnnyFaction ShowMessage FollowerMessageDeadJohnny endif END