ORIGINAL MOD: (NV version) http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/34720/? ----- Credits: eomanv for creating original mod for Fallout 3 Chasesan for adapting it to Fallout New Vegas This fix is made by akastalker ----- Short Description: Fix of the HUD problem of the Pitt Gal Stats NV mod ----- Long Description: Well, I recently downloaded Pitt Gal Stats NV mod and noticed that issue with HUD limb status. So happened that I am game UI programmer myself, that's why I took it as a personal challenge and managed to find workaround for this bug with help of NVSE script. It is true, that almost all of the HUD layout are hardcoded, thus NVSE was the only way to fix it. I also managed to fix head vs face "z-fighting" and slightly moved face sprite to match original image. I know that original mod is pretty old, but it's still awesome. I don't know how many of you are actually using that mod, and I don't care how many downloads this fix will get. I made it for myself, and uploading it just in case something happens to my pc. ----- Requirements: * NVSE http://nvse.silverlock.org/ * Original Pitt Gal Stats NV by eomanv (adapted for New Vegas by Chasesan) www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/34720/? ----- Installation: 1) Install NVSE 2) Install Pitt Gal Stats NV by eomanv (adapted for New Vegas by Chasesan) www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/34720/? 3) Download and unpack this fix to your game root folder (or use NMM) 4) Make sure PittGalStatsFix.esp is checked to load in your favorite plugin manager Load order doesn't matter, because it only adds two new records (quest and script).