========== Description ========== This mod adds the alloy brass. Upon entering a reloading bench you will be able to melt down cases of different ammunition types. These include: 10mm, .308, 12.7mm, 50MG, .357 Magnum, .44 Magnum, 45-70 Gov't, 5.56mm, 5mm and 9mm. When you melt down the cases you get brass from it. With this brass you can cast different ammunition types(all of the ammunition types previously mentioned). ============ Compatibility ============ This mod should not conflict with any other mod. If there are compatibility issues please message me and I'll do what I can to fix it for you. ============ Known Issues ============ No known issues. If there are please message me and I'll do what I can to fix it for you. =========== Installation =========== Install via NMM or extract files into data folder. If you do not know how to use the Nexus Mod Manager I suggest watching this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClqtmSUsFhg&list=PL77ECC4B6194E1685&index=1 If you install manually make sure you load it into your load order on the data files in the launcher. ======== Uninstall ======== Uninstall via NMM or take all relevant files out of data folder ============= Requirements ============= Legalized full copy of Fallout New Vegas ============ Other Things ============ Do not edit or redistribute without my permission. Have fun with the mod and have nice day.