** NOTES! ** The mod adds Borderlands/DeadIsland style 'numeric damage'. Basically when damage is done to an NPC/Creature, the amount will be shown. == Make sure you have the latest NVSE installed! == If you want ton configure options, install MCM! (Mod Configuration Menu) == Be sure to install JIP if you want to customize via MCM! ~ Once you've loaded your game, the mod's quest script will kick-in shortly thereafter. (the exact time depends on how bloated your load order is) To help this process along, change cells. Healthbars will show up when someone is in combat, -or- when you aim at someone in IronSights. Knocking someone unconcious (via gloves, 12ga beanbag ammo, flashbang, ect) will show a 'KO' visual. have fun! (Pls report any and all suspected issues!) TWO WEAPONS TO HELP YOU TEST the mod! (these 2 optional weps are just for fun!) Player.AddItem ##0016A7 (GETH SMG - uses 9mm ammo) & Player.AddItem ##0016A5 (RNG SMG - uses 9mm ammo) GETH - damage & firerate climb as you fire. RNG - damage randomizes as you fire.