Ammo Crafting Version 1.0 This is the first ever mod I have decided to release. If there's any problems, please leave a comment and I will look into it.This is a very simple mod, it allows the crafting of all types of ammo types, as in hollow point and armor piercing. I did my best in balancing, the new recipes take more skill and resources. I did not add any new types of ammo.I've been thinking of adding new, simple variations of ammo. I'd be curious if this piques anyone's interest. Install: 1. Remove .esp from the archive. 2. Place .esp into the New Vegas data folder. 3. Check the addon when you start up the game. Shouldn't have any compatibilty issues, but might not work if you have mods that change anything involved in crafting of vanilla ammo types. Created in July 2015 by WatermelonFox