CASINO HEISTS NV This mod allows you to rob the 3 operating casinos on the New Vegas Strip, properly. Each Casino has a blueprint hidden in it on the main casino floor which will give you vital information on how to make your way to the Casino's vault. Every Casino has 2 ways in - the front door (loud) and a sneakier alternative route. Some bloodshed and hostility can be avoided by seeking the sneakier route, as the casino families will not take kindly to you gunning down their guards. There are hints sprinkled throughout the levels for you to find, keep an eye out for holotapes and paths both vertical and on-level should you feel stuck. It builds upon vanilla areas, and you will likely discover entrances to the vaults naturally during the main story, as well as from the hints. There's one new weapon in one of the vaults. A mid-game character with a moderate lockpicking skill is recommended. The Casinos: Gomorrah - Easy-ish, least money The Tops - Medium, more money Ultra-Luxe - Hard, most money Credits: Mod by: Eetterinakki / koriandersES MODDERS RESOURCES USED: Blank Vault Doors - mercury00 Vault Ventilation and Conduit Tileset - cambragol