Ice Cold Resources By: stedman420 ###QUICK NOTE### -Unless you were directed to download this mod or are a modder this mod won't do you much good -You only need one version of this mod just pick the one that best fits your install. -In the next day or 2 the other 3 mods I currently have out will start using this for their Ice Cold Resources I'm just working out the update process right now. ###MAIN DESCRIPTION### This mod adds the resources for Ice Cold Beverages, Effects, Items, Recipes, Scripts, etc... The mod includes the following: +Ice Cold Beverages -> ice cold Beer, nuka-cola all variants, sunset sarsaparilla, and both kinds of water +New ice cold variant recipes that make use of the ice cold beverages -> There is recipes and items for nuka-cola quantum and ice cold versions of the following -> atomic cocktail, cook-cook's fiend stew, mole rat stew, nuka-cola all variants, sunset sarsaparilla, mass purified water, rocket, and super stimpak +A script called S420IceColdDispenserScript -> Add this script to any container or well pretty much any object and it will become an Ice Cold Dispenser +Adds the needed messages the Ice Cold Dispenser Script calls to. +And possibly a couple things I forgot about ###DLCs VERSION### -Requires Honest Hearts and Lonesome Road DLCs be installed +Adds five more ice cold variant recipes and items. -> There is recipes and items for ice cold versions of the following -> Auto-Inject Super Stimpak, Daturana, Large Wasteland Tequila, Rushing Water, and Wasteland Tequila ###TTW VERSION### -Requires Tale of Two Wastelands be installed +Adds everything mentioned for the main version and DLCs version +Makes Ice Cold Nuka-Cola Quantum work for the Nuka-Cola Challenge quest. -> All regular Nuka Cola Quantums will be used first. -> Ice Cold Nuka-Cola Quantums should work for making pie as well but I haven't had a chance to test it so if theres a bug just let me know +Makes Ice Cold Purified Water work for the water beggars -> All regular Purified Waters will be used first. ###COMPATABILITY NOTES### -This mod should be compatible with most everything as it's just a resource file. -The TTW version may not be compatible with any mods that change the nuka-cola challenge dialog or water beggar dialog. -All requirements for the mods are listed above and will be listed under the download files. ###INSTALLING### 1.) Extract the the contents of the S420IceColdResources zip file and place it into your "Data" folder. 2.) Use FOMM or Wrye Bash to manually place "S420IceColdResources.esm" above any mod that requires it in the load order. 3.) Then launch the game and open "Data Files". 3.) Check "S420IceColdResources" in the menu and then exit. 4.) Now just follow the install instructions for installing whatever mod directed you to download this mod ###UNINSTALLING### -Simply remove or delete any files that were copied to your "Data" folder -> Warning this will remove all Ice Cold Items aside from Ice Cold Nuka-Cola ###MODDER'S RESOURCE INFO### -Hopefully I shouldn't have to explain to the modders how to use this but if you have any questions feel free to post and ask. -Feel free to use and adapt this mod and it's scripts however you like that is what it's here for. -Just please remember to give credit where credit is due ###CREDITS### -guidion for the ice cold inspiration [url=]Ice Cold Vending Machines TTW Friendly[/url] (my script and items are much different but i really liked the idea of ice cold beverages) ###CHANGELOG### ***VERSION 1.1*** -Renamed all the master files to be the same name so only one can be used. -> also this resolved an issue I was having when making dependent files haha ***VERSION 1.0*** -Initial release [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]