Name: MegaCityOneJudgeArmorWeaponsNV Author: Dodo1990 Version: 1.0 Date: 28-06-2016 Category: Armor and weapons Link: None Homepage: None =============== Description: This Mod adds a weapons and a armor from the judge dredd universe ( basing on the 2012 movie ) to the fallout new vegas world. mod is a port from prensa´s fallout 3 mod on the nexus =============== Details: This Mod adds a weapons and a armor from the judge dredd universe ( basing on the 2012 movie ) to the fallout new vegas world. mod is a port from prensa´s fallout 3 mod on the nexus. you can find the weapon and the armor in a side bulding at the highway police station near primm. just look a bit arround. =============== Requirements: new vegas, and the last patch =============== Install: put all files into the data folder and mark the file in fomm or what ever you use and start the game. =============== Un-Install: same way as usual =============== Bugs/Issues: found no bugs so far. =============== History: 28.06.2015 - V.1.0 relese =============== Contact: Dodo1990 =============== Credits: =============== Big thanks to prensa for making the original mod ( fallout 3 ) and for allowing me to port this to new vegas. thanks to Dredd's creators: John Wagner, Carlos Ezquerra & Pat Mills. Florix Grabundae to Tharg the Mighty for bringing Thrill-Power to us mere Earthlings. May you ever have polystyrene cups to eat. Thanks to the costume & prop designers of Dredd (2012). Big thanks to the the Studio Creations website for the invaluable info on the movie costumes. Big Thank-You Kindly to the makers of the Zarjaz Nifskope. Thanks to the makers of & DXTBmp, my tools of choice for textures. Thanks to the makers of Blender, I've finally got my head around it & am making some cool things with it. Thanks to ElminsterAU for the essential mod editing tool FO3Edit. Thanks to the makers of Audacity, a wonderful & free program that allows one to record & edit sounds easily. Without which I'd have been unable to give the weapons their custom sounds. Thanks go to Bethesda for a great game with the fantastic ability to be modded! Thanks also to the Nexus for providing a safe home for mods, modders & mod users. Dodo1990 for porting the mod to fallout new vegas. ===============