Cooked Foods Have No Radiation: ------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: Simply removes radiation damage from all cooked foods. I made this at 10 pm so I probably missed some cooked foods, comment on the Nexus page what foods I have missed. This is also my first mod for any game ever, so be kind pls. HOW TO INSTALL: Hopefully it should work with NMM but just drag to file to your New Vegas folder, i.e where all your other mods are. REQUIREMENTS: This mod is really simple and doesn't require any DLC (I don't even have them). Probably doesn't need NVSE but you should get that anyway since so many other mods require it. CREDITS: All credits go towards Bethesda for making this wonderful game and giving me such an easy method for making this minor alteration. Note: In the screenshot, there are two items in my inventory that belong to Wasteland Defence mod, so you won't be getting those with this mod.