------------------------------------------------ FAllout New Vegas Darker Gun Runner Katana's ------------------------------------------------ ================================================ Darker GRA Katana 9/22/2017 Original MOD Author: VFORVIC Version: 1.1 Date: 9/22/2017 Darker Gun Runner Katana's This is a requested mod which changes all versions of the GRA Katana's to have the black handle and also changes the Sheath to black. Both the base katana and all modded versions of the Katana will all have the black handle. While experimenting on the best way to change the Katana I made my own darker textures and decided to include that version as a bonus. This version is darker overall including the blade and hilt. The Sheath is also a little different black wood texture. My own version of a darker Katana (GRA) is called called Katana (MERC) and is a stand alone version. It can be found on the fireplace mantle in the Nipton Town Hall First Floor and included is a Sword Stand made by necKros on the Fallout 3 Nexus. Check out necKros work if you play Fallout 3 as his mod also includes his own Katana's. Thanks to necKros for allowing the Sword Stand to be a modders resource. I have also changed all the odd Katana sounds used by GRA to the more appropriate knife sounds. ------------------------------------------------ REQUIREMENTS Fallout New Vegas Gun Runners Arsenal ------------------------------------------------ KNOWN CONFLICTS None ------------------------------------------------ GENERAL INFO ------------------------------------------------ CHANGE LOG 1.1 Changed GRA Katana sounds (Police Baton Sounds) to knife sounds. ------------------------------------------------ LETS ROLL THE CREDITS necKros for his Fallout 3 mod Some Katanas