Thanks for downloading Pipe Down Mr. New Vegas! This was originally a personal project to fix a major annoyance I had with Fallout: New Vegas: Mr. New Vegas's segments on Radio New Vegas are much louder than the music. This would eventually lead to me avoiding RNV and listening to Mojave Music Radio instead, missing out on the iconic Vegas big band music that gets me into the mood to play FNV in the first place! Initially I was going to do each file one at a time in Audacity, but once I got the folder extracted I realized it was going to be far too much work (181 files!), so I went and found a utility to allow me to do the adjustments with a batch file (SoX). Once I got that sorted out quick-and-dirty, I realized other people might appreciate this fix, so I cleaned it all up to package as an easily useable (hopefully) mod and here we are (way more hours than I expected later...). LICENCE This utility makes use of the SoX - Sound eXchange project ver. 14.4.2 (, which is licenced under the GPL. Accordingly, the contents of this utility are also licenced under the GPL, and may be freely used and distributed in any new work in accordance with its terms. INSTRUCTIONS Download and extract Bethesda Archive Extractor ( Unfortunately I was not able to find an open source BSA extracting program that supported command-line extracting, so this part has to be done manually. 1. Navigate to your Fallout New Vegas installation's Data folder and use B.A.E. to open Fallout - Voices1.bsa. 2. Click the "Select None" button, then find and check the folder "Fallout - Voices1.bsa\sound\voice\falloutnv.esm\maleuniquemrnewvegas". 3. Click the "Extract" button and choose a location for the extracted files. 4. Navigate to the folder you extracted the files to, and extract PipeDownMrNV.7z to the last folder, "maleuniquemrnewvegas". There should be a folder called "PipeDownMrNV" in the folder after this step. 5. In the "PipeDownMrNV" folder, double-click the "PipeDown.bat" file to run the utility. 6. When the utility is done, you should see it report 181 files processed. These will be in a folder called "Data" in the "PipeDownMrNV" folder. The contents of this folder can then be added to an empty mod folder for Mod Organizer/Mod Organizer 2, or however you create new mods in your manager of choice. 7. Enjoy!