Underground Home New Vegas - Gun Runners' Arsenal Patch by JHawk308 Description A small patch that adds all unique vanilla weapons from GRA to the UHNV armoury. Also adds ammo sorting for all GRA ammo variants. I've always been a big collector type and decided to hack the GRA uniques on the UHNV wall. After a while I realised I had made 90% of a mod so I decided to do a little spit and polish and release the thing. Requirements Gun Runners' Arsenal DLC Underground Home New Vegas - https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/37884 - only base mod required Installation Instructions -Copy UHNV-GRA.esp into Fallout New Vegas/Data or install using your favorite Mod Manager (MO2 is my preference but they should all handle a simple package like this). Uninstall -Delete it (It's only one file) What this does -Adds all unique variants of vanilla weapons from GRA to the weapons wall -Update all weapon wall scripts so the non-unique variant will show unless the unique variant is added and then the unique will override (Just like the original mod) -Update all weapon wall scripts so the "Add all compatible weapons" button works with the new weapons -Update all "Compatible Weapons" help messages to include the new weapons -Update Ammo sorting script to sort all GRA ammo variants into their respective containers -Replaced weapon models which did not have static models with new static versions (prevents them from falling off the wall) What this does not does -Add the Katana or 25mm Grenade APW to the weapons wall. Why? Because there's no vanilla versions of these two for me to replace and danthegeek did some mesh magic that makes all the weapon hooks part of one big mesh so I can't just copy/paste a few new hooks and/or lack the skill to work out how. I also refuse to place weapons without hooks 'cos OCD. Don't like it, fix it yourself... and then please link me becaues I would like that very much, kthanks. -Line up Bozar perfectly with the Light Machine Gun's front hook. Couldn't make this work without tilting Bozar which looks terrible so I just left it. Everything else lines up, even the Nuke Breaker... just. -Add the GRA variants of vanilla weapons. Why? Because the only difference with (GRA) variants is weapon mods which were never supported anyway, so it would be pointless from an asthetics perspective and also pointless from a collectors perspective because these version are only available at vendors. -stock GRA ammo variants on the ammo shelves. Why? It would be a metric shit-ton of work, with much of that work being in GECK, and I hate GECK. Again feel free, and link me if you do. -Add the "Mad Bomber" explosives to the ammo sorting scripts. Why? Partially because I don't roll Mad Bomber but mostly because I completely forgot about them until I wrote this readme. This wouldn't be hard though, so if the mod gets a few downloads or someone requests it I'll do it. Other info I am aware that Worriedwalrus added a GRA weapons wall to UHNV but to be perfectly honest (and no offense to Walrus) it's rather unfinished. There's no weapon hooks, some weapons clip through the wall, and it includes all the vanilla (GRA) variants which just seems like duplication to me. Here's a link if you're interested - https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/60099/ This is my first mod... well, first 'released' mod. All credit to danthegeek for creating the original mod. I didn't bother even trying to get permission because he's not been active since 2014, but I'm sure he's cool. Futhermore, feel free to modify/re-upload this mod as long as you give due credit (About 0.1% for me an 99.9% for danthegeek, wherever he is now...)